Thursday 4. Mar 21 Wasn't it my Birthday?
4 Mar 21
Happy birthday to me. My first birthday without Mom and Dad. I miss them so!
This morning I drove to a Burger King that was less than a mile away. Once there I fed the dogs and gave Pete his morning insulin shot.
I had a couple cups of coffee, updated my budget and read the Epoch Times. I then went back to the RT and had oats, toast and a banana for breakfast.
After breakfast I drove to a flea market. In the first booth I came to I found an Eko Ware Ducth Oven Pan that I have been looking for. Now I have completed my pan set. I told the lady vendor that it was the same brand and style of pans my Mom used to cook many delicious meals when I was growing up. I was hoping it might cause her to lower the price she was asking. I even told her it was my birthday. No use she stuck to her set price of $5 for the pan and $5 for the lid. The lid was from a different brand but it did fit well so I bought them both. $10 was more than the thrift stores at home would have charged but I would have actually paid more.
I want to confess something that I have kept a secret for over 60 years. When I was a young boy I loved to play like I was a pirate. One day I decided if I was going to be a good pirate I needed to bury a treasure. I vaguely remember getting one of Mom's Eko Ware pans and putting some items in it, digging a hole in the backyard and burying it. I even remember Mom asking all of us kids where her pan disappeared too. My sisters knew nothing about it and I certainly didn't tell on myself. One day I'm going to get a metal detector and find the pan and see what I put in it. I was such a bad child!
The lady vendor also had the dessert plates that match the set of plates and cups I have at home. I use the set for my Airbnb. Now I have the complete set. It was $20 for 7 plates so that was pretty pricey as well.
After packing the items away in the RT I walk around checking out the other vendor's items. I bought a can of soup from a Korean vendor. She had a huge store and during our brief conversation she informed me that she packs it up every spring and put it in storage just to unpack it all in the Fall. Way to much work for this lazy boy!
After spending the day at the swap meet I decided to go back to the place where I had parked the night before. On the way I came across an Auto Museum. It consisted of several small buildings. One was an old gas station and the front door was open. I parked in front of the station and went in. I called out and finally an elderly man came out from the back. His name was Ralph and he had bought the place 5 years ago. He had repaired all the buildings and moved his car collection there from Colorado. He was in the process of working through all the red tape with the city but didn't think he would get the museum opened until next season. He said his wife of 50+ years was in a hospital in Phoenix. She had been in intensive care but was doing better now. A very nice man. I hope he is able to get his wife back home soon. I will definitely check out his museum the next time I'm in Quartzite.
After talking to Ralph he said I should walk around the future museum grounds and check out the cars and buildings. One car that caught my attention was a 4 door Corvair. The only one I've ever seen.
Later I headed back to the lot I had parked in the previous night. I fed the dogs and gave Pete his evening insulin shot and then went to bed.