A Blustery Day

Friday 10Apr20 A Blustery Day

Day 85

I got up around 5:30 and got right on the road to Laramie. In Laramie I fill up with gas and had the propanes filled as well. While I was driving I noticed some movement off to my right or on the north side of the Interstate. It was a Grey Wolf, wow! I didn't have time to grab my camera. Perhaps I should have pulled over and tried to get a photo but the odds of getting a shot are rare.

I drove a bit more but the wind was starting to get bad so I found a dirt road to wait it out. I found a place on top of a hill where there was a shoulder wide enough for the RT. I wound up being there all day but that was fine since it gave me sometime to let the dogs run free. I also unloaded the bike and went exploring for a couple of hours. I checked out a FAA Tacan Site. I am surprised that these are still in operation. They are probably the second or maybe even third backup system for aircraft navigation.


During the course of the day only 3 vehicle passed. In the evening I watched a movie called "The Chamber," with Chris O'Donnell and Gene Hackman. A very good movie.

After the movie I got on I-80 and drove West on to Rock Springs Wyoming. I found a Walmart there and parked for the night.

Today's photos