Ark Encounter

Saturday 11May19 Ark Encounter


Woke at 7:30 and had the usual breakfast. Drove about 5 miles to the Ark Encounter.

This is a full size model built on the dimensions given in Genius.

This is a project of Answers in Genesis an apologetics ministry dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth. Within the three decks of the Ark they go through great lengths to explain how the global flood of the Bible is a more  compelling explanation for how the world came to be than evolution or other theories. As an example here they demonstrated how the common believe that the visible layers of ice at the Antarctic is for each passing year.

Obviously the Lost Squadron of Ww2 shows that this is false.

They demonstrate how the 8 people on the Ark could have managed to take care of all the various "Kinds" of animals.

And how there was plenty of room for all the animals. They even used the worse case scenario.

The Ark Encounter is the world's largest timber frame construction. They did an amazing job with the entire project. Everything is top notch. Very glad that I took the time to see this. I spent at least 6 hours there and I could have easily spent a couple more hours if not days. A definite must see if you come to Kentucky.

After The Ark Encounter I drove to Cincinnati Ohio where I stopped at a superwalmart. Dad called shortly after I arrived and told me that the Mother's Day floweres arrived today and they were real pretty. I talked to both of them for quite a while.

I parked the RT next to a drain and with the gentle rain it sounded like I was in a boat on a river.

I retired a month ago today and have been on the road since. Somehow it seems much longer. I have come to love it even more than I imagined.

Today's photos